Today we are revisiting a customer who has been using their machine since 2014.
A fantastic display of a brickyard that shows a boundary wall made from his own blocks, securing the property.
You can see that the machinery paint has degraded over time, even with primer. This is a natural consequence of having a machine operate outside over time. Even a house needs repainting; but you can note that the functionality is still operational and any individual parts that were worn have been replaced.
The same situation goes for the panmixer. It actually looks pretty good, considering that the panmixer has not been kept under cover.
Out of interest, you can see that Mr Makubane has built a ramp structure for wheelbarrows to ascend and tip into the panmixer instead of using the bucket method. We still think the bucket method is a more precise form of measurement; but with a machine like the Jumbo MK3 it can be time consuming and there's no time to waste in the pursuit of production. To be fair, the marginal differences in brick quality using a wheelbarrow vs buckets is very little; especially since Mr Makubane is already using a strong ratio to begin with.
Products purchased in 2014:
Remember, even though Mr Makubane has an electric vibrator kit, during load-shedding he still continues in the manual mode. Nothing is stopping his ability to make money except the lack of space from all the blocks !