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Writer's pictureDane Doubell

Start your own company in South Africa

Updated: Mar 8, 2021

Need practical advice on the steps to take to start your own business? Here's the load out:

1. Go online and register a new company for R175, registration is R125 and the name is R50.

Go to your nearest internet cafe with your certified ID copy in USB, have an active email address or use your smartphone.

The money you will deposit via their bank details found on the website.

They will do BBBEE for you for free and all other business documents.

2. Go to SARS, do a tax clearance for free.

3. Go to FNB do a business bank account for R500. Or ABSA they even have R250 option.

4. Go to your nearest Seda ( ask them to do a business plan for you, for free. Plus other trainings that might be relevant to your field. If you are intending on a brick-making business, we also have a business plan template for site members.

5. Go online, register on the CSD ( , for free.

6. Go to your municipality and ask them to register you on their database as a supplier, for free.

7. Go to your nearest NYDA ( and attend their financial management short course for a minimum of 5 weeks (once a week), for free.

8. Apply for the NYDA funding for free. They can give you equipment of up to R50 000, for free.

You don't pay it back.

9. Hire people and register for COIDA ( - get a letter of good standing at the Department of Labour.

10. Do your business and upgrade it with marketing and branding.

Logos, Letterhead, business email, website, landline. (We offer branding services at Doubell)

Lastly, and most importantly - send us your photos of all the success to put up on our customer wall !

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1 Comment

isaac sieberts
Aug 30, 2020

hi there i have been looking at your machines for years now,iff recently been retrenched and is based in queenstown,i have come to the conclusion that the m6 brick is in high demand here.i would like to go for your jumbo mke3 machine ,my problem is space to set up my brickyard can u pls advice



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