Quick Brick Machines and Equipment CC t/a Doubell Machines was incorporated.
Since 1981, the business was operating under the sole proprietorship of Clive Doubell. This was a perfect way to start - a man with an invention which he believed in and was willing to put his name on the line to prove it.
After several years of operating, it was an obvious move to register as a closed corporation. It allowed for a stable company profile that banks and institutions could better assist financially. This assistance serviced the expansion of markets and the patents of the machinery. And so, on the 1st of March 1988, the CC was formed; but the pursuit of building reliable brick machines to solve a growing housing crisis was unwavering.
Today, the business has continued to offer support to all those entrepreneurs who are helping their communities and providing sustainable employment for the unskilled labour market, upskilling all those workers in the process.
Now is the best time for anyone to start making their own bricks. Bricks, blocks, pavers, retaining wall blocks, rib or deck blocks, decorative breeze blocks, solid maxi's, cavity maxi's, super bricks, london bricks, M4, M6 and M9 double cavity blocks... the variety is vast and the need is urgent.
Phone or Whatsapp 0027828284781 or email sales@makebricks.co.za for more information.
Visit the showroom in Nelson Mandela Bay, Eastern Cape, South Africa