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Mashiya Building Blocks, Chatty, EC, South Africa

Writer's picture: undefined

What makes a good block?

Is it strength? Is it appearance? The answer is both. While strength is the core factor to a good block, your customers will be judging the book by the cover. In the case of bricks, there is a visual appearance that shows a quality of mixture used plus compaction. This appearance will allow for a good grip for plaster - the Goldilocks zone - Not too smooth that it won't stick and not too rough that it looks weak.

You might be surprised to learn that you don't need a big machine with vibrator motors to achieve this level of quality; a Doubell DIY hand mould will do the job.

You'll achieve the compaction and production of a profitable brickyard. Since you'll make closer to the community, you'll beat the competition for transport and (if you mix properly) you'll smash them on quality as well!

While other people are keeping their money in the bank, you could keep yours in blocks... making more money with that investment every week.

The census 2022 shows 62 million people and only 15.7 million houses.

It's always the right time to make bricks.

Whatsapp us (0027 82 828 4781) with any questions.



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